All content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The website is regularly updated to the best of the ability of the owner. However, the owner cannot guarantee that the information or data is accurate, correct, complete or suitable for a particular purpose. The Reference cannot be held liable for any damages or loss arising from access to, consultation or use of the information, data and publications on the website and / or access to and use of interactive applications.

The owner has the right to change the information present on the site at any time without prior notification of the users. This website have some information derived from external resources and we thankful to the open-source community for their support.

The owner cannot guarantee that all functions of the site will be available at any time without errors or interruptions, or that all errors will immediately be put right or that the site or the infrastructure to access the site will not be affected by one or other virus, or by any other harmful element.

The owner cannot be held liable for any loss or any (direct or indirect, tangible or intangible) damage arising from the use of the site or the inability to use the site.